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A R T I S T  C O L L E C T I V E

- A site specific lecture performance taking place in the setting surrounding a traditional academic presentation. 
3. dec. 2014

Using the conventions and aesthetics of the “lecture setting”, the conflict between body and mind is questioned through the use of intermedia tools such as 3D-­sound and visual projections. In a room with rows of chairs and a rostrum, the audience are asked to find a seat and wait for a presenter to begin a talk about the work in the artist collective VONTRAPP. But no presenter ever appears -­ instead the audience experiences a power point show under construction - going wild! A bombardment of pictures and sound. The performance

 sets out to investigate that precise point where the belief in authority disappears. When will the audience give up their faith in authority and instead give in to the new set of rules, that the sound is communicating? The aim of the performance is to activate the audience and give them an awareness of themselves as present in the room, and as people who are responsible for their own sensing. For us the common experience with the audience has to be the point of departure from where a beneficial academic discussion about the knowledge production in art can emerge.


3. dec. 2014

Vontrapp are really happy to be part of the international symposium for experimental art Tacit or Loud, which take place at the Inter Arts Center in Malmö, Sweden from the – of dec.


For this festival we have created a lecture performance called On my way to Hawaii, which we will performe in the symposium that explore the intersection between new currents in research on human cognition and new media, cross-disciplinary art is an emerging field. 



Tacit or Loud presents a series of installations and performances bringing choreography, theatre, music and fine arts together. The program builds on the assumption that artistic development must question ancient hierarchies of race, gender and sexuality. Each of these perspective inform the other two and it is our belief that from this respect, art is not tacit and can at times make loud statements.


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